Upcoming Events

    • Friday, June 14, 2024
    • 11:00 AM - 1:00 PM
    • Zoom

    Q2 Membership Meeting and Speaker Event: 

    June 14, 2024 
    11:00am - 1:00pm 

    CCEUs - 2 TBD

    Board of Director updates 11:00 - 11:30am; speakers 11:30 - 1:00pm

    Presenters: Kimberly Eastman Zirkle and Tracy Jenkins from UNC Health 

    Topic: Building a Coaching Culture in Organizations: Opportunities to Expand Your Business

    Description: Explore the stages of maturity involved in building a coaching culture within an organization and how knowing this can help you expand your business. More specifically, you will learn how 1:1 coaching, the training of coaches internally and the acquisition of coaching skillsets can grow in delivery and useability over time. A case study of how UNC Health has been building a coaching culture will be used as an example of one way organizations mature their use of coaching practices.

    Three outcomes realized:

    • Gained an understanding of the stages of maturity of organizational coaching practices in building a coaching culture.
    • Developed collaborative partnerships for the expansion of your business with the focus on how you can help businesses enhance their coaching culture.
    • Created initial plan for offering services to organizations at various maturity stages.



    Tracy Jenkins, PCC 

    Tracy is the Program Manager of Building a Coaching Culture and an Executive Coach at UNC Health. As Program Manager, she develops strategy and leads programs to expand coaching in the organization. At UNC Health, Tracy supervises the International Coaching Federation (ICF) credentialed and certified coaches and communicates the value of coaching, its use and how to access it to leaders. As an executive coach, Tracy works with executives and leaders to foster self-discovery in a thought-provoking and creative process designed to address specific goals in order to achieve personal and professional fulfillment. She helps leaders recognize their unique ability for self-awareness and their power to increase authentic engagement. Through working with her, leaders develop skills to take bold action toward achieving personal, team and organizational goals with integrity and responsibility.

    Tracy received her coach training through the Institute for Professional Excellence in Coaching (IPEC) and is an ICF professional certified coach (PCC), currently working to become a master certified coach (MCC). She is also a certified executive coach (XCC) and inclusion coach (CIC). Tracy is a former president of the ICF Raleigh Chapter.

    Kimberly Eastman Zirkle, PCC 

    Kimberly is an Executive Coach and Co-founder of Building a Coaching Culture at UNC Health. Credentialed through the International Coaching Federation (ICF) as a Professional Certified Coach (PCC), she is passionate about building trusting, thought-provoking partnerships which enable self-awareness, discovery, and actions that lead to increased personal and professional fulfillment. Having developed the original Executive Transition Onboarding program, she frequently coaches executive new hires and those moving into roles of increased responsibility. She understands the challenges and rewards of developing and leading high performing teams, while climbing the corporate ladder, and striving for resilience and balance in one’s personal life.

    After receiving her master’s degree, Kimberly completed her professional certified coach training through Duke Integrative Medicine before becoming credentialed by ICF. Additionally, she is a National Board-Certified Health and Wellness Coach (NBC-HWC), a Certified Inclusion Coach (CIC) and holds a leadership certificate from the Wharton School of Business. She is currently working toward becoming a Master Certified Coach (MCC) through ICF.

    • Friday, July 12, 2024
    • 11:30 AM - 1:00 PM
    • Zoom

    The increasing accessibility and power of AI has led to an explosion of tools offering services like coaching and mentorship. As these services become commonplace, questions arise about the essence of coaching, the elements that remain uniquely human, and how AI can complement rather than replace these human aspects.

    Alex Haitoglou, co-founder and CEO of Ovida, believes that the time has never been better for coaching, coaches and clients, as long as we are prepared to put to action the adaptability and vulnerability required to change and grow. AI can help us do that.

    The ICF and the ICF competencies model can play a significant role in raising coaching quality and standards, using AI across multiple coaching sessions to assist coaches’ self-reflection, mentorship and also to further refine and improve the competency models.

    In this session we will explore:

    • What is happening in the world of AI and how it is affecting coaching and coaches
    • What are the uniquely human traits of coaching vs the ones that AI can do better
    • What every coach can do to enhance what is uniquely human 

    Alex has created the world's first AI platform aimed at enhancing the fundamental communication skills for leadership and coaching. Ovida supports leaders and coaches in their growth by providing AI-generated objective data, video reviews for self-reflection, and expert human mentoring. With a background in Business Economics and German, Alex worked with Procter & Gamble in global business leadership roles and also led their global Grow Coaching program, training hundreds of leaders in coaching skills as well as business coaches. He later assumed executive positions at Walgreens Boots Alliance working across geographies in healthcare. Moving into entrepreneurship, Alex built a Health-tech business that was acquired by a major European retailer, and 3 years ago launched Ovida with his partner Bryan Watson.

    • Monday, July 15, 2024
    • 4:30 PM - 6:00 PM
    • Zoom

    The Triumph of Hope over Experience

    Mastermind Series (4 sessions)

    Session 1 – July 15: 4:30 – 6:00 pm

    Hope is not wishing, strength is not physical, you have more courage – and so do your clients – than you believe, and curiosity is a source of coaching skill and a red flag.

    Hope is often confused with wishing, thinking things will work out for the best, assuming that tomorrow will be better than today.

    But what our clients benefit from is not crossing their fingers but actually ENGAGING the science of hope.

    Join Ruth Pearce, PCC, JD, PMP facilitates this Mastermind and guides us in exploring how we as coaches can work with our clients to activate hope, leverage, and hone strengths, recognize, and cultivate bravery and fine tune curiosity.

    The Mastermind series is based upon Ruth’s book: Be Hopeful, Be Strong, Be Brave, Be Curious and will explore the four pillars of Hope, Strength, Bravery, and Curiosity.

    *Purchasing the book is not mandatory and participants will still be able to derive value even without reading the book

    In this session, we will explore:

    1. What hope is – and isn’t!

    2. The combination of vision, pathways, and agency

    3. How we want to incorporate hope into our practice

    4. Ways that clients will benefit from actively creating hope

    5. Optional case study from the group

    Specific supporting information is available in Ruth’s book: Be Hopeful, Be Strong, Be Brave, Be Curious – Chapter 5 - Expectation

    In preparation for this session, take your FREE Hope Assessment* at: https://projectmotivator.com/the-future-scale-hope-assessment/

    • Friday, August 09, 2024
    • 11:30 AM - 1:00 PM
    • Zoom

    August 9, 2024 
    11:30am - 1:00pm 

    CCEUs - TBD

    Did you know that happy clients are 9x more likely to recommend your practice to others? And that the probability of selling to past clients is 60-70% (compared to just 5-20% with new prospects)?! Clients who become your passionate fans can sustain business forever - so how do you turn new engagements into lifelong relationships? Smartly brand, streamline, and deliver an unforgettable client experience!

    Join former Disney storyteller and branding strategist of 10+ years, Annie Franceschi, for this exciting presentation to:

    1. Discover the hidden growth potential of developing a branded client experience

    2. Gain key strategies to save time, increase your profits, and delight your clients right now

    3. Spot the simple, yet powerful things you can do to care for clients ethically and authentically with personalization and professionalism (so they rave about you to everyone they know!)

    Perfect for practices at all levels, this interactive workshop will leave you feeling excited to guide clients, get amazing referrals on autopilot, and run your business more smoothly, profitably, and confidently than ever!

    • Monday, August 19, 2024
    • 4:30 PM - 6:00 PM
    • Zoom

    Keep Moving Forward Even in Difficult Times

    Mastermind Series 

    Session 2 – August 19th,. 4:30pm – 6pm

    One of Ruth’s favorite coaching tools is character strengths. W can learn to identify strengths through storytelling and observation. 

    When coaching clients know their strengths they are energized, uplifted, and empowered. They are more likely to be engaged at work, with family and friends, and in their community.

    And there is plenty of opportunity to dial up and dial down strengths as needed. In fact, the closest thing there is in this model to a weakness is a misused strength.  

    Join Ruth Pearce, ACC, (PCC application submitted), JD, PMP facilitates this Mastermind and guides us in exploring how we as coaches can work with our clients to activate hope, leverage, and hone strengths, recognize, and cultivate bravery and fine tune curiosity.

    The Mastermind series is based upon Ruth’s book Be Hopeful, Be Strong, Be Brave, Be Curious and will explore the four pillars of Hope, Strength, Bravery, and Curiosity.

    *Purchasing the book is not mandatory and participants will still be able to derive value even without reading the book.

    In this session we will explore:

    1. What is a strength?

    2. What makes a signature strength signature?

    3. When do our strengths get in the way?

    4. How to use strengths work with clients

    5. Modeling strengths optimization to and for clients by knowing, showing, and growing our own!

    6. Optional case study from the group

    Specific supporting information is available in Ruth’s book, Be Hopeful, Be Strong, Be Brave, Be Curious – Chapter 6 – Motivation

    In preparation for the session, take your FREE character strengths* assessment at:


    • Monday, September 16, 2024
    • 4:30 PM - 6:00 PM
    • Zoom

    We Are Braver Than We Think

    Mastermind Series

    Session 3 – September 16th, 4:30pm-6pm

    How brave are you?

    Where does your bravery show up?

    Ask most people for examples of bravery, and you will mostly hear about physical feats of bravery – first responders – especially fire-fighters - or military.

    But bravery is much more than that. 

    Join Ruth Pearce, ACC, (PCC application submitted), JD, PMP facilitates this Mastermind and guides us in exploring how we as coaches can work with our clients to activate hope, leverage, and hone strengths, recognize, and cultivate bravery and fine tune curiosity.

    The Mastermind series is based upon Ruth’s book Be Hopeful, Be Strong, Be Brave, Be Curious and will explore the four pillars of Hope, Strength, Bravery, and Curiosity.

    *Purchasing the book is not mandatory and participants will still be able to derive value even without reading the book.

    In this session we will explore what makes an act brave and when does it become reckless? We will also explore whether it is possible to feel fear and still be brave. 

    In this session we will explore:

    1. What is bravery?

    2. How does your client assess risk? How do you?

    3. What has fear got to do with it?

    4. Spotting brave moments in ourselves and others. 

    5. Identifying the inherent bravery in the coaching relationship.

    6. Optional case study from the group

    Specific supporting information is available in Ruth’s book, Be Hopeful, Be Strong, Be Brave, Be Curious – Chapter 7 – Conversation

    In preparation for the session, take your FREE Courage assessment* at:


    • Monday, October 21, 2024
    • 4:30 PM - 6:00 PM
    • Zoom

    How Curiosity May Have Killed the Cat Coach

    Mastermind Series

    Session 4 – October 21st, 4:30pm-6pm

    Most people would say that one of the top skills of an effective coach is curiosity. If they are not curious, why will they care? How will they ask powerful insightful questions? 

    What curiosity is good curiosity – in us and in our clients?

    What comes as a surprise to many is the discovery that curiosity is not just one thing. As of now, science says it is FIVE components. 

    1. Joyous Exploration

    2. Deprivation Sensitivity

    3. Stress Tolerance

    4. Thrill Seeking

    5. Social Curiosity

    Join Ruth Pearce, ACC, (PCC application submitted), JD, PMP facilitates this Mastermind and guides us in exploring how we as coaches can work with our clients to activate hope, leverage, and hone strengths, recognize, and cultivate bravery and fine tune curiosity.

    The Mastermind series is based upon Ruth’s book Be Hopeful, Be Strong, Be Brave, Be Curious and will explore the four pillars of Hope, Strength, Bravery, and Curiosity.

    *Purchasing the book is not mandatory and participants will still be able to derive value even without reading the book.

    In this session we will explore:

    1. How are you curious?

    2. How does your client experience curiosity?

    3. How curious should the coach be?

    4. How do we match coach to client in terms of levels of curiosity?

    5. Why does it matter?

    6. Optional case study from the group

    Specific supporting information is available in Ruth’s book, Be Hopeful, Be Strong, Be Brave, Be Curious – Chapter 8 – Exploration

    In preparation for the session, take your FREE Curiosity assessment* at:


    * All assessments are evidence based, psychometrically sound and validated by multiple studies. 

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